Dear guests!!!
- Entrance to the club "Lyamur" is possible only in a mask and gloves according to the decree of the Mayor of Moscow from June 8, 2020 No. 68-UM with changes from July 9, 2020.
- You can get protective masks, gloves and use antiseptic on the tables located at the main entrance and in the toilet area;
- Every 30 minutes we perform disinfection of door handles and other surfaces, as well as disinfection of bathrooms;
- We have increased the frequency of replacing air filters and regularly treat the air ducts of the supply ventilation with special means, and at the end of the working day we carry out quartz treatment of the entire club;
- To maintain a safe distance, we have put markings on the floor and other surfaces;
- All the staff of our club work in masks and gloves , and every evening, before the start of work, all employees have their temperature measured and a visual examination is carried out to detect symptoms of SARS;
- All visitors to our club also have their temperature measured and their hands first treated with disinfectants;
- We carefully monitor compliance with security rules by the club's employees.
We care about you and your health!!!